Links of Interest
Reference Websites and Calculators
The following reference links and calculators will provide you with useful information. Any computations you arrive at with these sources should be considered rough estimates. If you are looking for numbers you can rely on, please call us for assistance.
We caution you: do not enter into any agreement or purchase anything via the Internet until you and your advisors are satisfied that you are getting what you are paying for.
Each link will open a new browser window.
Government Agencies
- Brevard County Property Appraiser
- Brevard County Tax Collector
- Florida Department of Revenue — Forms and Publications
- Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations
- Florida Division of Workers’ Compensation
- Internal Revenue Service
- Official site for U.S. government information
- Small Business Administration
- Social Security Administration
- U.S. Congress online
Pay Taxes Online
Converters and Calculators
Higher Education
- MapQuest
- Nationwide real estate listings
- Official U.S. time by zones
- The ultimate reference desk
- Ticketmaster
- Vote Smart
- WhoWhere yellow pages
- Zip code lookup
We do not endorse any business or product you may find as a result of these links.

Client Resource Center
Contact Us
150 Fortenberry Rd.
Villa A & F
Merritt Island, FL 32952
Phone: (321) 452-5061
Fax: (321) 454-4441